Scots Poems and their English Translations by Keeks Mc

Keeks Mc


The Ca o the Craws


Flocks o craws roost in the trees

roon ma hame

As Ah gae aboot ma day Ah

hearken thaim

haen a stoushie wi the ither burds

If ivver ocht fashes me

Ah’m suithed by the ca o the craws

Wice an cliver burds

Ah wunner whit thay ween o us

Muckle, glaikit tumshies aiblins

Mibbe at’s whit thay’re cryin tae ilk ane

but ony gate, it maks me fain



The Call of the Crows


Flocks of crows roost in the trees round my home

As I go about my day I hear them

having a brawl with other birds

If ever anything bothers me

I’m soothed by the call of the crows

Wise and clever birds

I wonder what they make of us

Huge dense morons probably

Maybe that’s what they’re calling to everyone

but anyway, it makes me happy



Dittit Pyaag


This seems tae be a time in ma life

whan fair awthing is

stickit, claggit an haurd

Thare’s haud ups, diversions an flakes

ivery aesome stap o the forhoued wey

An Ah’m forfeuchten

bit day an daily Ah still

ettle at gettin up wi a

blink oan ma gizz an no seem disjaskit

but richt noo, it feels like

Ah’m pushin watter

up the braes

……wi a rauk



Hindered labour


This seems to be a time in my life

when absolutely everything is stuck, blocked and hard

There’s hold ups, diversions and hurdles every single step of the forsaken way

And I’m exhausted but every day I still try to get up with a smile on my face and not seem dejected

but right now, it feels like I’m pushing water up the hills…. with a rake


Note: Published with permission from the author/ translator.