Eyes Speak

Sherin Mary Zacharia


Lips meet each other

Kiss, say goodnight

Eyes know they will speak no more

Definitely not now

Timid, red, soft

Quivering with fear,

Every word echoes

Uttered, looking at the other

As a lesser mortal.

Eyes spew red hot embers

No matter how the lips feel

The soul lets out a cry

Not blanketed in silence

Much pain it endures

Before the eyes shed tears.

Eyes make a compassionate resolve

To ignite the change setting ablaze

Remains of indifference

To those living under leafless trees

Braving the Sun that melts all valour

Lips mute themselves

Words sometimes meaningless

Useless, disagreeing, fake

Eyes shut tight

Not to see, nothing more to speak

Not to utter a syllable

As innocent blood spills on the face.